Berlin - Regierungsviertel

360-Degree Photography and Virtual Tours

Whether architecture or nature: 360-degree photography opens up a new view of the world. The 360-degree images taken by a special camera can be explored interactively by the viewer as part of a virtual tour. These images can also be used to create impressive panoramas and unusual “Tiny Planets”.

Berlin - Neue Nationalgalerie
Berlin - PhilharmonieBerlin - Nikolaiviertel
Berlin - Tiergarten
Brandenburg - RapsfeldBerlin-Spandauer Schifffahrtskanal
Potsdam - Park Babelsberg
Berlin - Tempelhofer FeldBerlin - KulturforumPotsdam - Alter MarktPotsdam - Schiffbauergasse
Potsdam - Havelufer